
Uganda Primates Safari

8 Days

Uganda Primates Safari a magical journey through beautiful sceneries of grassland acacia savannah in the north and tropical forests in the south; immerse yourself in mysterious Bwindi Forest National Park and fall in love with some of the most fascinating creatures on planet earth.

Kick off your Uganda Primates Safari journey to the Northern parts of Uganda and enjoy the numerous attractions of Northern and Western region as well as the spectacular scenery and rustic atmosphere of the south-western highlands. Travel to the with splendid views of the Kazinga Channel from Queen Elizabeth National Park and finally end with Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and experience the great Apes in their natural habitat.


Pick up and transfer to catch 8:30 domestic flight to Pakuba airstrip where you meet your driver to transfer you to your accommodation; afternoon Launch boat to the base of the falls; hike to top where you meet your driver to bring you back to your accom.

Dinner and Overnight at. Paraa Safari Lodge /Nile Safari Camp/ Murchison River Lodge/ Sambiya River Lodge

After early breakfast, you go for a morning game drive. game often seen include; elephants, waterbuck, Buffalo, Jackal, Genet, Mongoose, oribi, Bushbuck, warthog,jacksons’ hartebeest, hyena, giraffe, bush pig, leopard, lion and primates here include Baboons, velvet monkeys, Pitas monkeys. Return for lunch, afternoon a boat cruise to the bottom of the falls the launch trip takes about three hours return and 1.45hrs one way. You will be dropped off at the base from where you meet a ranger guide to walk you to the top. ( about 45mins hike) you will later meet your driver when you get to th etop of the falls and he will drive you back to the lodge.

Dinner and overnight at Paraa Safari Lodge /Nile Safari Camp/ Murchison River Lodge

After breakfast, and with packed lunch boxes, drive to Kibale Forest area via Biso, Hoima, Kyenjojo to Fort Portal with a lunch stop over en route. The approximately 8hours drive is incredibly scenic as it takes you along the western arm of The Great African Rift Valley passing through lush green, beautiful agricultural countryside, tropical rain forests and tea plantations. During the drive you may see baboons, black and white colubus monkeys, vevet monkeys. You are expected to arrive at your accommodation late in the afternoon/evening. Time permitting, you may choose to take a walk around the Lodge or just rest in preparation for the next day

Dinner and Overnight at Kibale Forest Lodge

After an early breakfast, you will be escorted to the starting point/park offices where you may be joined by other clients for a briefing on the days’ adventure. You are then assigned a local ranger guide for your days’ activity. (Maximum group size per Ranger guide is 6 tourists). The morning is characterized with birds and primate viewing including Chimpanzee. Kibale forest is a home to 13 primate species. Walking is not difficult as paths have been made in the forest and all walks are in company of excellent local guides. During the tracking, your guide explains the life style of the chimps, tree species, birds and any other mammals that you may encounter in detail. The other primates that you may see include among others; – Gray Cheeked Mangabeys, Red-tailed Monkey, Olive Baboon, Black and White Colobus, vevet monkeys etc. You may also encounter other forest mammals like the forest Elephants, duikers and various bird species during the walk. You then return to your accommodation for lunch and thereaftercheck out and set off for Queen Elizabeth National Park. The drive passes through Fort Portal southwards along the Eastern length of the Rwenzori Mountains. On a clear day you may see the glaciated peaks as you gently descend to the Great Rift Valley to the park. The Rwenzori Peaks provide a magnificent backdrop to antelope-filled plains. Queen Elizabeth National Park covers about 1998 square kilometers and spreads along the eastern shore of Lake Edward.This afternoon, you will go for launch cruise on Kazinga Channel; a water body believed to host the largest concentration of Hippopotamus in Africa. The exciting launch/boat cruise trip of about 2hours on Kazinga Channel introduces you to countless hippos, as well as baboons and abundant bird life. The launch boat offers a spectacular bird viewing opportunity. The Channel is believed to have the largest concentration of world’s hippopotamus.

Dinner and Overnight at Mweya safari Lodge / Bush Lodge BLD

Queen Elizabeth National Park; This morning we will go for a game drive. This may include a drive to the magnificent plains of Kasenyi, crater Lakes valleys, and the channel drive. During the drive we may spot early risers as they return to their dens from morning hunt such as Lion, Leopard and hyenas. The other game found in this park (QENP) that you are likely to see include among others;- African Elephant, Buffalo, Giant forest hog, Bush pigs, warthogs, Herds of Uganda kob, bushbuck, waterbuck, reedbuck. After lunch go for an evening game drive Or drive to Maramagambo Forest for a nature walk to the bat caves. The forest looks dense from the outside but it is quite the opposite when you get there. The paths may not be well designed but are clear. Bird watching is another enjoyable sport in this forest. Return later in the evening to your hotel.

Dinner and Overnight at Mweya safari Lodge / Bush Lodge BLD

Elizabeth National Park – Bwindi: – After breakfast, check out and drive to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park via the Ishasha section of Queen Elizabeth. Please note that going through Ishasha is only done if the road conditions permit. Enter with a game drive in search of tree climbing lion. Unlike the other sector, Ishasha section is well known for tree climbing lions, and also has Topis’ which are not found in the other sections of this park. The Edward flats offer a nice view. The ishasha area is known for thousands of elephants too. Later after your picnic lunch; proceed to Buhoma section of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Dinner and Overnight Mahogany Springs Lodge. / Gorilla Camp / Buhoma lodge(BLD)

After an early morning breakfast, your driver will help organize your packed lunch boxes then drive you to Ruhijah section of the park where you will assemble at the park offices for briefing. Here, you may be joined by a group of other tourists to receive a briefing from the park warden or head ranger on the dos and don’t during gorilla trekking before you begin your adventure. Each gorilla family is visited by a maximum of 8 tourists a day so you may be joined by other people on the trek. You will then begin your adventure into the gorilla sanctuary. The time taken and the terrain vary (1- 8 hours) according to the movement of these gentle giants. Gorilla trekking takes between less than an hour to 8 hours before encounter depending on the terrain. However, the thrill of meeting face to face takes away the pain of some times long and arduous trek. You are then allowed one hour with the gorillas before trekking back. When you return from trekking and after you receive your “trekking certificate” you will drive back to your accommodation.

Dinner and Overnight Mahogany Springs Lodge./ Gorilla Camp / Buhoma lodge(BLD)

Bwindi – Kampala. This morning after breakfast, Transfer to Kihihi airstrip for a flight to Entebbe; optional tour within Entebbe then transfer to airport for flight connections

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Uganda Primates Safari
From $5,690
/ Adult
From $3,470
/ Child
  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • No Booking Fees
  • Professional Local Guide